Monday, April 21, 2008

Life's a dance you learn as you go....

Okay, so I used a line from a song as the title of this post. Big deal. It is just so fitting to all the life lessons I have been learning this past few weeks. I am sitting here tonight, in the gazebo of the hotel in Texas, thinking. What I should be doing is finishing my packing, washing my stinky, sweaty ass and steeling myself for a twelve hour long bus ride home. ( I also need to figure out how to steal one of the hotel pillows without them noticing as I need one to sleep in the bus, and didn't bring one with me.) Instead I am sitting here waiting for Heath to get off work and come pick up Melanie's cooler which she left here last night, and blogging. Typical procrastination technique that I am so good at, wait until the last minute to do everything that needs doing and blame it on someone else being late. I have been sitting here reading my emails, and drinking Bacardi silver raz (yummy by the way), and thinking back on all the things I have learned about myself lately. (And about other people as well.)

1.) Drinking foo-foo drinks gives me nasty hangovers. (stick with jack and coke, buzz with no regrets.)

2.) I am stupid.

3.) Eight people can polish off three cases of beer and a case of foo-foo drinks in less than five hours, but the effects are much more lasting.

4.) Girls in Texas pound back beer faster than most men I know.

5.) I am a hopeless romantic, and that sucks, and hurts, and still I can't seem to change that about myself.

6.) Don't judge a book by the synopsis on the back cover. People are often much more,or much less than what they appear to be at first glance.

7.) I have the innate ability to make friends quickly, and somehow always seem to find that one person in a whole group of people that is a friendship fit with me.

8.) If you are a hard worker, people will bend rules to keep you happy.

9.) Texas grows on you.

10.) I need to learn to better defend my heart against inevitable pain.

11.) If I want something bad enough, I am sure to never get it.

12.) The Texas branch of my company will waive the 45 day wait that you usually have to have in order to leave one plant and apply at another. (In fact, their general manager will put me to work today if I choose to stay.)

13.) The Iowa management doesn't want me to move to Texas.

14.) I want to go back to school. (maybe some online classes to start with?)

15.) When talking on the phone with a friend in Indiana at four in the morning, don't call her crazy when she says she just felt an earthquake. (she really did)

16.) Don't loan someone your cell phone at three am, they just may accidentally speed dial your friend in Indiana.

17.) I want to join a gym.

18.) If you may possibly want to steal a pillow from your hotel, take it from someone else's room.

19.) You can find sushi in Texas.

20.) I hate the Golden Corral.

21.) I am going to up-bid for a better paying position when I get back to Iowa. (The responsibility won't kill me!)

22.) At least one of the Upper-middle management at my facility thinks I would make a great lead-person. (As a stepping stone to supervisor.)

23.) No matter how many people love you, it is still possible to feel very lonely most of the time.

24.) I want to be held when I sleep, and not having that is part of my insomnia problem.

25.) Texas shaped waffles rock!

26.) I wear an invisible sign somewhere that only men can see that seems to say..."only good enough to be a piece on the side."

27.) That will never be enough for me.

28.) I deserve better.

29.) I need more.

30.) I want to be loved without reservation, or hesitation and without end.

31.) If I don't go pack I will be stuck in Texas.

That's all, goodnight.


Miss Sassy said...

I'm right there with you, on the personal stuff anyway, I don't know enough about Texas to agree with those notes ;)
Join the gym, get a library card and pull from the isles covered in dust... if nothing else, it will help you reinforce your resolve that you are worth the rest of it; )

CrystalChick said...

I sooo thought I commented on this?? Well I was planning to anyway.
Okay, #2 HAS TO GO!! Remove it, delete it, don't even utter those words AGAIN.
# 11 will change. Or rather don't wish for something so much. Just do what you are doing to learn the new job, show them how valuable you are, start saving some $$ to have a little stability in that area of life. And start to make some decisions regarding the living situation, hub, kids, etc. and the rest will eventually happen when it is for your highest good for it to.

I don't have them posted yet as I'm up to my eyeballs in jewelry for some Spring shows but check in at my page for new shots of my grandson. He has like 7 teeth now!!!
Welcome home! :)

CrystalChick said...

I need a blog fix from you Dawn dear!!!!
How are things since returning from Texas?
Hope all is well. Miss you. Hugs, Mare

Anonymous said...

Very nice post. I would really like to feature one of your posts on my website :)