Thursday, February 21, 2008

Work, kids, sinuses! I need a vacation!

Okay, so I have been working A LOT! It seems that is all I am doing these days. At least six or seven days a week, and a little bit of overtime almost every day. Things are not getting any better around here. The hubby still does NOTHING to make things easier on me. I am expected to work until one in the morning, and then get up at six to get the kids off to school. Sometimes I can, sometimes I sleep right through my alarm clock and my phone alarm going off. Hell, lately I have even slept right through The Honey calling. I got a letter from the school about my son's absences and tardies. They have threatened me with the county attornies office and the truancy officer. I wonder how many of those people exist on 3 hours of sleep a day on average? When I was living at Toni's I was able to get more sleep. I still had to be the one to get the kids up for school each day, either by calling and waking them up, or getting up off the couch and driving over here and wake them up myself, but I was sleeping longer, and the sleep I got was much more restful. Since I have been back home, I am suffering from insomnia again, and the sleep that I do manage seems to leave me wanting. My brain is starting to rebel. My thoughts are starting to get fuzzy around the edges, and I am starting to have nightmares during my short bursts of sleep. I slept quite a bit last night. The kids did not have school this morning due to the extreme cold front that came through this area last night. So I took a double dose of nyquil and passed right out after I got home from work at one thirty in the morning. You would think I would have felt better after that. HA! I woke up with a sore throat and my head so stopped up I sounded like Fran Dresher. I took something for my sinuses this morning. What a mistake. My nose is so sore from wiping and blowing that I am considering an ice pack for it. (Insert sad, whiney face here) (With a bright red Rudolph nose.) I am about to take some more nyquil. As soon as it starts to kick in I will crawl to the couch and collapse. The hubby has said he will just stay up all night to make sure the kids get off to school in the morning. If he doesn't, I will offer him up to the county attorney myself. That's all, Goodnight.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear you are under the weather. I thought about you this morning and glad you could sleep in with no school.
Get some rest!

CrystalChick said...

No school because of a cold front?? Wow, how cold was it? We got a couple inches of snow this morning, but they didn't close school, so we were cleaning off the car bright and early.
Sorry things are frustrating for you lately. Maybe Spring will bring some good things your way!! Here's hoping!
Huggies, M
p.s. miss you posting pics, drop us all a couple now and then will ya??

someoneswife said...

I did sleep in that day. It was lovely! As to not feeling well, it could be a whole lot worse. Every one here at my house has gone through a bout of the flu except for me. And i aim to keep it that way. Sleeping on Toni's couch again until everyone here is healthy. Until then trying to keep my distance! As long as it is just sinuses, I am GOLDEN! Hugs, Dawn

It was VERY cold. They expected temps in the neighborhood of 20 below with the wind chills. I don't think we quite hit that but once it is below zero, that few degrees you don't even notice. It was a rough few days, but we are having a warming trend. Today we hit 32! Time to break out with the shorts and the sunscreen! Whooooo hoooo! As to pictures, I think I have a few new ones, same old boring me. But I will post a few just for you. (Insert smile here.) Hugs, Dawn