Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Quick Update...

Okay, so I know it has been a long time since I have posted anything new. There are a number of reasons why...I haven't been living here where my computer is...I have been working a lot...I have been lazy.... Mostly, it is because I have been lazy. My life is full of such drama sometimes that it saps all the energy right out of me. So, here is a quick update on what is going on in my life. I am living back at my house again. No, I did not come back to the hubby. I came back to my children. I am sleeping on the couch, and I do not anticipate sleeping anywhere but the couch for a very, very long time. (I really should look for a more comfortable couch.) I am working a lot these days. We just finished a seven day week (which means at least 12 days without a day off), which really sucks as I am one of those put in my forty and go home kind of people. But, I can use the money, and next month we will have reduced hours. Toni and I are having some issuses, she is still my best friend, but things are a bit strained between us right now. The Honey is all healed up from his injuries, and has been back at work for some time. We still try to find time to talk everyday. He still makes me smile like no one else can. (And sigh.) I have been spending too much time out at the bar after work lately, so I have decided to cut down to twice a month. I am hoping to get my income taxes done this week. I need to buy myself a car and get my license. I am tired of having to ask for rides everywhere, and I need my independence back. Well, that is about all that I can think of at the moment. I will be blogging more soon I promise. I have to go get ready for work now. Hugs to you all. That's all, Bye.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back. I'm sure everyone missed you as much as I did.

someoneswife said...

My Sweet Honey,
Thank You! I have missed writing for you, too. I find that I tell you everything that happens in my life in person (okay well on the phone) and I have trouble finding something to write about that you don't already know about. While I love sharing with Mrs. Mary, My Sis-of-the-heart, and a few others who come and go, I have maintained this blog for so long because it was a way to fill you in on my life. Oh well, I am sure things will come back to me eventually...maybe I will have to keep a few things to myself when we talk so I can blog about them here...Lmao. I love you. Yours, Dawn