Saturday, September 8, 2007

A little sugar makes catching flies just that much easier..

Okay, I need to write something, but I really do not know what to write about. Why write then you may ask, and rightly so. The reason is that if I do not write something, anything once in awhile, I get these emails asking me if i am okay, as though forgoing a post now and then means that something must be wrong. Wow, that was kind of bitchy. I am sorry. I am just overly tired, and sleep will not come. You know, I was talking to My Honey tonight, and I told him that he is always so polite. If he yawns he always says he is sorry, if he coughs, excuse me etc. Not me, I am not a polite person by nature. I know this is true, because I get so easily frustrated with people. As an example to The Honey of my rudeness, I reminded him of the time we were in Barnes and Nobel trying to find the book "Gates of Fire". (No, he was not actually with me, just on the phone with me at the time.) I was being lazy, and did not want to have to search through all the books to find the one I wanted. I already knew exactly what I wanted, I had no desire to browse. So, I went looking for a store associate to help me in locating the book. I walked up and down each aisle, without encountering a single store employee. I went to two different sales counters, no luck there either. Finally out of frustration, I yelled out, "Hello! Does anybody fucking work around here?" I did finally get an answer when a woman peeked around the corner and asked if there was anything she could help me with. By this time, I was already testy. I spend quite a bit of money in that store every year, and I have come to expect good service. When she asked i told her what book I was looking for. I followed her up to the desk so she could look it up. She started to explain to me where it was located, but I just looked at her, and said, "Could you just go get that for me? I am on the phone right now, and I am in a bit of a hurry." How rude was that? Not only did I yell in the store, but then I made this poor child be my gofer and run and fetch me the book while I stood there waiting impatiently with money in hand. I do not remember if I even Thanked her. I really do appreciate that she did this for me, it allowed me a few more moments with My Honey, and also got me on my way much more quickly than if I had to go look for it myself. Looking back, I feel bad about this encounter. I feel bad because it was not that girls fault that I was on a tight schedule that day. It was not her fault that where time with The Honey is concerned, I would try to get anyone to do anything that might otherwise make me lose one moment with him. I wish I knew who the girl was. I wish I had been looking at her while she was completing the sale. I did not even give her that courtesy. If I had, I would go back to that store, find her, and tell her that I am sorry. But for now, the best I can do is to try a little harder next time, to be just a Tad more polite. If not, if i fail miserably at it, then I hope that The Honey's overly polite ways will somehow put the universe back into balance for me. That's all, Goodnight.

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