Sunday, May 27, 2007

Some other day.....

I have completely wasted my entire day. For me that is a good thing. I am normally so busy running from place to place, work, the hubby, the kids, the housework, cooking, shopping, school conferences, doctor/dentist/orthodontist/optometrist appointments, AA and NA (in support of a dear friend) etc., that I hardly have time to breathe. Not today. I refused. The phone rang numerous times, I lied and told everyone who wanted me to get up off my ass today that I was busy. Well, it wasn't really a lie, I was busy. Busy at trying hard to do a whole lot of nothing. I am not that good at doing nothing. The first thing I did when I got up today was start a load of laundry. I figured I had better, or I would be spending tomorrow naked! But doing nothing does not seem to come natural to me anymore. I used to be good at it. However, these days every waking hour seems to be filled with something. (And sometimes I think I am busy even in my sleep.) But today, I am just trying to get my computer chair to conform itself to the contours of my ass. That is my goal for the entire day. I checked my email this morning. Today I actually looked at my bulk mail. Normally I just dump it all. But today I looked at each one, all 423 of them. (Yes, I get that much in under 24 hrs.) I listened to some music, and watched a few videos at everything from The Cure to Faith Hill. I shopped online for a new hoodie. The one I want I can't seem to find. (Well, I found it, but the website won't load the check-out page! Stupid, Stupid website!) ((This is the one I want- I want it in a XXL - sorry dropping birthday gift hints! My Birthday is September 26th for anyone who cares.)) I browsed for nothing in particular. I read blogs I could find in English, and looked at the pictures posted in the ones I can't read. I made up a silly little poll to add to this blog page. I added a little button at the bottom of this page that shows the location of people reading my blog. I added a clock to my page apparently for the sole purpose of showing myself how well I am doing at wasting my time. I looked up deceased family members for my family tree. I watched "Platoon" and "Enemy at the Gates" while doing all these other things. (I have seen them both before.) I plan on sitting here in front of this screen, or on the couch in front of that screen until I feel tired, or hungry, or my ass falls asleep again. Or until I have to use the restroom. (I am drinking far too much Pepsi.) What I should be doing is cleaning my nasty house. Washing the car. Mowing the yard. Changing the bedding in all the pet cages. Giving the dogs, the ferret, and the guinea pigs their baths. Going to the grocery store so we don't all starve to death this week. Folding the clothes I washed this morning. Getting all the checks written to pay the bills. Balancing the checkbook. Changing the furnace filter. Changing the car's oil. Or any of the other myriad things that need doing and won't get done if I don't do them. But, they can wait. I will get to them some other day.

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