Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Bye Bye Boo Boo....

Okay, so it was a long night at work tonight. It seemed to drag on forever! We boxed a lot of roasts tonight. I really wish you people would just boycott the roasts, damn it! My arms are so sore. Now, the roasts average about three and a half pounds each. That is nothing, right? Yeah, well, KISS MY ASS! You try lifting three and a half pounds over and over and over and over again... for NINE hours! We (myself and the slowest man on the planet), boxed over 3,200 roasts tonight. And that figure does not include all the other products we worked tonight. My arms ache, my shoulders ache, and the back of my neck aches. And now, seeing myself whine about this hurting, I feel bad, because The Honey sent me some pictures of his "boo boo" last night. (By the way Honey, boo boo is the term my children use to discuss my breasts! LMAO...When Kylie was little she would ask for "boo boo juice" when she wanted to nurse. Too funny! We even made up a boo boo song when she was weaning.. lmao.. maybe some day I will sing it for you.. LMAO...) Okay, sorry, got a little off topic there for a minute, forgive me, I am very tired and the strangest things are funny to me right now. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, so I saw pictures of The Honey's injuries. As he posted them for me to see he told me not to "freak out". Well, I didn't "freak out" but I did cry. He is probably going to be upset when he reads this, but I just couldn't help it. Seeing him cut up like that made me so sad. One of the cuts runs from right under his jawline all the way down his sweet neck, (way too close to important inside stuff for my taste), across his collar bone, and ends just before his shoulder. The other one is an inverted "L" shape cut on his bicep. They are both HUGE! They both look extremely painful, and they both are on MY HONEY. Of course that made me cry. I am just glad we were not on the phone when I saw those pictures for the first time. It upsets him to hear me cry, and he would have hated the sobs that escaped me last night. I am just so damned grateful that he is okay, it could have been so much worse. I could have lost my very best friend in the entire world. I still can not believe he was conscious after sustaining an injury like that. And I really can't believe he managed to call me and talk to me for three minutes with his neck cut open like that. I mean really, what was he thinking about? Well, me obviously. And how sweet is that? I am so glad he is okay, I don't know what I would do without him. That's all, Goodnight.


Anonymous said...

You box roasts? Are you a butcher or something? I want a roast!

Tell your honey I hope he heals quickly.

someoneswife said...

Yes, I box roasts. And eye of round, and stew meat, and steaks of all sorts and all other kinds of beef products imaginable. I am a meat packer, literally! I work for that company that is famous for it's chicken, but we do not do chicken in our plant, just beef and pork. It is a cold job, and boring as hell, but someone has got to do it...and one of the fringe benifits is buying the meat we produce at about a third of the price you pay for it in the store (At that store with the big yellow smiley face mascot!) SUCKERS! Last week I bought a CASE of rib eyes for $13.00. And a case of boneless pork chops for ten. Ha, ha!

I will pass on the message to My Honey. He is doing quite well actually, and is anxious to get back to work. (Between you and me and the fence post, he just hates doing nothing. It drives him stir crazy!) Hugs, Dawn

CrystalChick said...

Well all my complaining about the stuff I'm doing to get ready for our holiday open house and you are doing this job daily!! Wow!

You need a long hot shower, a bottle of wine, and a massage!

What was honey doing when he got hurt so bad?
Hugs, M

Superstar said...

Hey, I totally know what you are talking about. My dad owned a meat packing plant, that I had to work at!!!

I thankfully worked int he links department. I got to stuff sausage! hehehehehe...I love telling men that. I did the tray wrap machine, the boxing, palates...did I spell that? anyway!! ok, so anyway I get what you are talking about.

Go draw a bath and soak insome sea salt! Fab steam!

Isn't it amazing the retail price compared to the discount at the plant? ~shakes head~

someoneswife said...

He works for a company that does Hydroblasting.. basically water at such high pressure that it can cut, well anything, and that is what got him. Big accident, fluke really, bypassed all saftey precaustions... he has promised me it WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN! I will ask him if it is okay to share one of the pics with you all.. it makes me so sad, but I am getting better about seeing it. He really is doing much better now though. But I miss him, I shouldn't be thinking like this, but I will be grateful when he is back at work, I miss our daily talk time.

Yeah that is the best part of my job, getting food so cheap.... well that and getting to say that I pack beef for a living... lol.. that raises some eyebrows let me tell ya'. Hugs, Dawn