Thursday, December 13, 2007

The good, the bad, and the ugly...

Okay, so the bad news. I am STILL sick. Yes, I missed yet another night of work. If I do not get better soon I may be looking for a new job. But staying home, I was able to take a nap, and get some much needed rest. And I will head to bed early tonight. (Well, early for me is anything before two in the morning.) The good news. The Honey was well enough today to go back to work. He called me this morning during his commute, and we got to talk for an hour. That is more of his voice than I have heard in the last week. And let me tell you, it did my heart good. I can still hear the pain in his voice. He was having trouble with the seat belt rubbing right against the staples in his neck, and he took himself off the pain pills in order to be okay to drive. But all in all, he sounds so much better then he did last week. I hated hearing him both in pain, and doped up. He called me again for the ride home. I told him to take a pain pill when he got home. In typical male macho fashion, I was informed that he didn't need it. He would be fine. LOL. My guess is he took the pill. I will wait online for him for awhile tonight, but I do not really expect to see him. He needs his rest, too. I want him to heal quickly and completely. I want him not to feel anymore pain. I want him feeling stronger and healthier when he calls me on his way into work tomorrow. I want him....That's all, goodnight.

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