Monday, November 19, 2007

Hanging out on a Sunday...

Okay, so I spent today just hanging out at, taking a nap, chatting with Jeremy, normal day off kinda stuff. Watched a few movies...We Are Marshall was great, but I am strange for a woman, I love football movies, and boxing movies. (It made me cry a couple of times, so I guess in that way i am very typically female.) Fido, the zombie flick I wanted to see, was just so so. I am glad I watched it, but it is not one I would run out and buy. ( I will be owning We Are Marshall.) I got back in contact with my Niece Sara this weekend. I will call her in the morning. I just found out she is living back in North Carolina, maybe it is time I pay that child a visit. I miss her. That's all, goodnight.

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