Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A day in Hell...

Well, it has been a few days since I have been here. I really don't have much to say. If you have read the previous few entries, you know that all is not well here at home. You also will have figured out that the hubby is a complete nut job. And that I am a little "off" as well. That is all I am going to say about it, so let's just drop it okay? I have to leave early for work today, I am going to attempt to get my hands on tickets to see "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" tonight. The boss lady at work is very kind and is letting me leave early so I can take the kids to opening night. Wish me luck with those tickets.

I try not to steal. (It is just not in my nature to do it.) I try not to, but just this once I am going to. I went to one of my favorite sites on the net. I have told you about it before. It is a blog. The man who writes it is deliciously twisted. He is extremely intelligent, and very funny, but very crude. A friend of mine said his writing was "sick, how can you read that?" I respond by saying that she is right. Some (most) of the things he writes about is "sick". It is also morally repugnant. He also uses the word "fuck" far too often. But if like me, you can look beyond the cursing, and the almost constant references to anal sex, and scat films, then you will find the humour that is behind it all, and laugh. He likes to "push buttons". He likes to say things that will make your head spin. But he doesn't just ramble like I do, he actually writes with a purpose in mind. So, if you want to see what I think funny is (Okay, there are a whole slew of other funny things out there, but he gives me an almost daily dose of humour.) then check out his site. It is.. Handbook for the Hellbound. If you do not think that you will like his humour (And I warn you now... it is not for everyone!) then I allow me to steal from him in one of his, not so funny moments, and have you watch this video. He included it in today's rant, and I just wanted to show it as well. You all know that I listen to numerous types of music, and rap is not generally one of them, but I like this song so much I just may run out and buy the CD. Any way, here it is.. That's all, Bye.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's amazing what you find when you Google yourself, isn't it? Cheers for the pimpage!