Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Nothing is easy, except of course, SleepingBeauty...

So, The hubby came home Sunday night, after a three day binge in which he drained the bank account, and managed to somehow break a CV joint on my car. I asked him to leave. You would think it would be a simple thing. Splitting up. But nothing with this man is ever simple. He started begging for "just one more chance". He started making promises. He has promised to seek help for his alcoholism. He has promised to start going to A.A. regularly. He has promised that this was the "last time". He has promised that we will seek marriage counseling. He has promised to start making changes in all aspects of our lives. He has promised to make things better. Of course, I have heard all these promises before. I have heard them over and over again. I do not believe them anymore this time than I did the last fifty times I heard them. I have reached a point where I just do not care anymore. I do not care if he is here, I do not care if he is gone. Maybe if things did get better, if he kept the promises, I would start to care again. But, it may already be too late. On a lighter note, I was talking to a friend who told me that I need to see the movie "300", but first I should read a book about it. You know how I am, I did not bother to write down the title of the book at the time, thinking I could always look it up online later. Yeah well, the only problem is, that the book that is associated with that movie is a "graphic novel" by Frank Miller, and I find it hard to believe that is the book he was talking about. So if anyone knows about a book about the story of the three hundred, and I am pretty sure it had the word "fire" somewhere in the title, please let me know so I can read it before I see the movie. I also need to hop on over to BarnesandNoble.com and look for a book by Anne Rice. It is called "The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty". She wrote it under a pen name. A.N. Roquelaure. It is an "erotic" novel. I have never read one, so I figure I love Anne Rice, so I will start with hers. Besides I could use a little spice in my life, and if I am not going to be having sex, I may as well be reading about it, huh? So, I guess that is all for now, except I wonder if Barnes and Noble will overnight it here. That's all, bye.

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