Wednesday, July 4, 2007

What men really want...

Okay, I already know what you are thinking. Four posts, in one day, and on the Fourth Of July at that. Does she have no life at all? Honest answer? Yes, but just barely. Okay, that is not true either. Really, I do have a life and it is filled with friends and loved ones. It is just that today was a blissfully easy day for me. I mean we did the whole barbecue thing, which usually entails three days preparation and constant work for me. But, this year, the hubby took care of everything, and I got to sit on my ass in front of this screen while he did it all. And it was wonderful. I could get used to this. I should also say that it was delicious. A nice rare rib eye. Some fresh sweet corn. A tossed spinach salad with avocado and papaya. Cucumber and onion salad. Key lime pie. And my favorite, strawberry and blueberry covered cheesecake. And boy did I eat. As I was eating I saw the hubby out of the corner of my eye, and he was just sitting there watching me. When I looked up at him, he smiled. Now, you may think that is strange, but I am used to it. You see, apparently the hubby thinks watching me eat is sexy. I have always thought he was a bit odd thinking that, until I talked to my honey and he said the same thing. Watching a woman eat is sexy? Who would have thought it? If I had known this years ago, I would have just carried around a few snacks, and got a lot more action. (Actually that is a joke, I did just fine without the snacks. In fact I think my past exploits are not a road I want to go down. How 'bout them Cubs?) So, I decided to do some research, and find out what men REALLY think is sexy. The facts surprised me. Men did not list physical features as what they find most attractive in a woman. Okay, well there were some, but even the physical features they chose shocked me. It seems that a man would prefer an overweight woman with curves over a thin woman without curves. Other physical attributes that were mentioned most often were "her smile", "her eyes" and "soft hair". There was one man who said "there breast", but since he did not appear to be able to spell "their" correctly, or know that women have two breasts instead of one breast, well his vote doesn't count. So, leaving behind the physical things men admire in a woman we come to the not so tangible things men find sexy. The list is long and varied, but I would like to start with pointing out that the hubby and the honey seem to be on to something with that whole eating is sexy thing. It seems to come in close to the top on a lot of men's lists. And now here is a list of things men REALLY find sexy. (Pay attention ladies.)

  1. Intelligence (This was number one on almost everyone's list! Yeah Me, for being brilliant!)
  2. Loyalty
  3. Honesty
  4. Maturity
  5. Kindness
  6. Independence
  7. Femininity
  8. A good sense of humour
  9. Feistiness
  10. Compassion

It seems that I have a lot more going for me than I ever thought. We have already discussed the fact that I can be one smart cookie, I have been married to the same man for fourteen years (proves my loyalty), I admit "to the world" all kinds of things about myself (honesty), I am a mother and wife who takes care of the finances and almost never forgets an appointment (maturity), I go out of my way to help my fellow man, and animals (kindness), I work a full time job and know how to pay my own bills, I can even do minor car repair (independence), the hubby says I wiggle when I walk (femininity) ((NOTE: The hubby says I also talk like an off-shore oil worker, and can have a mean streak a mile wide which I thought would be a turn off, he says that is sexy sometimes too)) (((does that nullify my wiggly walk?))), I tend to make people around me laugh so I guess that qualifies me for the..(good sense of humor), I am the kind of gal who wants to get my hands in on the action all the time and am usually pretty quick with a snappy comment (feistiness), and I would literally give someone the shirt off my back if they needed it (compassion). Hell, I am one great gal. According to this list, every man should be in love with me. What the hell is wrong with all of you? Why are you not sending me flowers (I prefer things like daisies and carnations to roses, just for the record) and killing each other in the street for my affection? Oh well, I guess I will have to be content with what I have. And just for those of you who are going to say things like "If that is what men REALLY want, then why do they all get turned on by Playboy and porn flicks?" To that I answer this...How many men MARRY women like that? They are sexually attracted to the "perfect" bodied women in the magazines, but they do not often choose a beautiful but vacuous (Don't be lazy.. look it up.. try )wife. There is a huge leap from what men are physically attracted to, and what men fall in love with. Men are much more likely to fall in love with their best female friend than the local beauty queen. Like Ella Wheeler Wilcox said "All love that has not friendship for its base, Is like a mansion built upon the sand." That's all, Goodnight.

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