Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Another post of the type I normally try to avoid...

Okay, so I know I have been writing some half-hearted, means nothing bullshit lately. Mostly that is because I now feel as though I have to edit myself for whom ever may happen upon my page. (Or be sent here by villainous nosey bitches.) My really personal life, I can no longer share, as I do not like having to deal with all the bullshit that came about from my being TOTALLY HONEST with people. Apparently honesty is over rated, and there are people in my life who prefer to be lied to. So be it. So, that being said, and the really private things now staying private, I am at a bit of a loss as to what to write about these days. I could write about the fact that my desk is covered in stacks of papers I keep meaning to go through, and how right now, I think there is a mouse in said stacks of paper having himself a good ol' time. But hell, I am already bored with thinking about it myself, so let's move on. I will talk about something that does mean something to me. That something is Breast Cancer. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and to all of my female readers, (Yes, I mean both of you! The rest of my regular visitors are all male.) please take the time to do something worthwhile for yourself each month, and do a breast self-exam. This is unbelievably important. It saves lives. To everyone else, please encourage your mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, aunts, cousins, nieces, sweethearts, and any other females in your lives to do the same. I have lost three Aunts to breast cancer. And had they detected the cancers sooner, they might still be here today. No one should ever have to watch a loved one suffer through such pain. It is a simple thing to do. If you don't know how, then just click here for step by step instructions on how to perform a breast self exam. If you do not want to do it for yourself, then do it for all the people out there that love you. (Like me for example.) Also, there is something we can all do everyday (even you men) to help fight this horrible disease. It is so simple that even the laziest among you can do it. All you have to do is go to this website, and click the large pink button that says CLICK HERE TO GIVE! See? It is simple, it is free, and each click they receive helps a woman who can not afford it, (OR whose insurance company says she is too young to need it, despite a family history of breast cancer, and whose doctor wants her to have one, like ME damn it!) get a free mammogram. What could be more simple? What could you do online today that could be more important than saving someone's life? So go click already, and click often, click daily. Okay, so now that I have done my public service announcement for this month, I will go back to writing my normal posts. The whiny, self serving, self battering bullshit that I am used to writing. Maybe I will post something good tomorrow... One can always hope. That's all. Goodnight.

1 comment:

CrystalChick said...

Wow, after I was forced off the 'puter by glitches in my system and my own not feeling well, I come back to find two of the blogs I read alot to be going on a bit of a hiatus. Hmmm.... I would say it might be due to the Mercury Retrograde period in effect until Nov. 1st. To astrology muggles that just means that a few times a year the planet of communication appears to go backwards... of course planets don't really go backwards... but from our vantage point on Earth the appearance can be deceiving... Anyway, so during those times, sometimes it's best for people to go inward so to speak, or go over things that have already happened and reflect, etc.
Seems a couple of my blog buds are dealing with just that type of thing.
You have a few added complications obviously and more to deal with in regard to who may be reading your personal thoughts.
I don't think it will stop you tho, maybe slow things down a bit or maybe you just have to find another way of doing your online journal without certain prying
eyes. Maybe start a new blog and only accept readers by invitation.
You'll work it all out I'm sure.

Of course public service type announcements are good too tho!
Too many people I love had their bouts with cancer, some are still with us, others not.

Dawn, please keep writing. Write about life, the weather, news, whatever.... you'll find your way thru everything going on lately.

I have an incredibly LONG post in the works.... I just took a gazillion pics of Eastern State Penitentiary yesterday and it was so interesting there. Eventually I'll get the whole thing together.

Chat soon, Mary