Sunday, October 21, 2007

Okay, I want this movie...

Okay, so I admit it... I have a special place in my heart for silly zombie movies. Shawn Of The Dead is a personal favorite secret pleasure of mine. I also liked the new Dawn Of The Dead, and the old one. I was not so keen on Land Of The Dead, just because the gore went a little too far in that one for my tastes. I like the funny gore, but there is something about watching people being eviscerated, and having their intestines gnawed on while they are still screaming that rather turns my stomach. But this movie is one that i just know will be another of my guilty little pleasures. I know I am a bit odd, but that is just me.

That's all, Bye.


CrystalChick said...

I'm not usually into zombie flicks (I lean toward vampire stuff) but this one looks pretty funny. Isn't that the girl from the Matrix and Chocolat?

someoneswife said...

I think it is her, but I couldn't swear to it. (I loved Chocolat too by the way. Have you seen Like Water For Chocolate? I think you would enjoy that one too.) Maybe I need to do another list of some of my favorite movies, I have seen some really good ones! I like vampire flicks and books too, read all of Anne Rice's stuff, and a lot of others as well. The Honey was telling me about a series of books about Vampires that travel to different planets or something through some kind of portals, sounds interesting. (He seems to really like them, and he is a pretty smart cookie, so I probably will too.) I will read the first one, and let you know what i think. Hugs, Dawn

CrystalChick said...

I haven't seen that one... will have to check it out. Anything with Chocolate in the title cannot be a bad thing. LOL
I LOVE Anne Rice. I don't know which my favorite would be....
hmmm... Pandora was pretty good, the way she described Lestat making Louis a vampire in 'Interview' was so sensual. The Vampire Lestat was very good. Memnoch, Queen, etc. All yummy.

Did you ever check out her pen name stuff?
I have the Sleeping Beauty one and watched Exit to Eden years ago... silly movie, but I liked it. ;)

I googled her... Yes, Carrie Ann Moss. She can do a wide range of characters.

Peace, Mary