Friday, October 5, 2007

No greater wrath...

Okay, so I know now who it was that started all this shit. Her name is *. Her phone number is *. Her email address is (Note* I have since calmed down a bit, and thought twice about what I did. I do not generally fly off the handle like that, and I will not repost her personal information. My hurt and anger will not make it an okay thing to do, and I regret that I reacted in a manner other than my true nature.*) And this is the letter I sent to her.

Funny how you seem to think you know all the answers. You sit here and put me down for having my little online fling (Note* I will concede at this point, that it is much more than just a "little online fling". I fell in love with someone else. That is no small thing, for me to fall in love. It is not something I take lightly. Those are not words I just throw around like most people. I did not intend it to happen. He became my very best friend in the world, and the love grew from there.), yet you know nothing of the real story. You obviously did not read my entire blog. If you had, you would have been able to see the progression of all this for what it was. A very lonely and desperate woman who has been living in an awful marriage for far to long, fighting to make things right and always getting nothing for all the effort. Has Jimmy bothered to tell you about all of his affairs? How about the alcoholism? Or the beatings I have suffered at his hands? Has he told you about those? Has he told you that we don't talk anymore? That we almost never have sex? That he tells me I am fat? That I am worthless? That no one else in the world would want (to use his words) "A big fat nasty rolly polly pig bitch like you"? Has he told you how he takes HIS money and runs off for three or four days at a time leaving me to figure out how to pay the bills and feed the kids on my income alone? Has he told you that he gets drunk and cuts himself, and wipes his blood on me after choking me? Has he told you that he cashed in the money order I got to pay the gas bill, and now with winter just around the corner they have shut off my gas, so that I have no heat for my girls? Did he tell you that he put us back in debt after I busted my ass working to get us out, just so that he could own another hundred models that he doesn't even build? Has he told you that for the last fifteen years he has used porn to masturbate after refusing me for sex? Has he told you how he has ignored every single Christmas and birthday and anniversary we have ever shared? Has he told you about getting drunk and coming home on Christmas eve and tearing apart the tree in front of my children? Has he told you how he yells at me? Berates me? Belittles me for his amusement? Has he told you that he told me to have cyber sex with Tommy..that I would be doing it for "The Corps"? Has he told you that he told me to call Tommy so that I would maybe leave him alone, and quit asking him to talk to me? Has he told you that he talked to Tommy on the phone, and told him that it was fine? Has he told you that he did hit me in front of my children, and then called one of Tommy's children and told her that her father was cheating on her mother? No, I do not guess he did. I am guessing that had you bothered to really read my blog, maybe you would have thought twice about sticking your nose in where it didn't belong. But maybe if my husband wasn't sneaking around talking to you...oh yes, he has been very quiet about you Sue...then maybe all of this would have just happened at the pace it was supposed to, and I could have left without all the bruises. So Thank You Sue. Thank You for the beating. Thank You from my children for being awakened at 3 am to their mother getting beat on by their father. Thank You from Tommy, who now has to convince his children that he still loves them. Thank You for your concern for the welfare of people whose lives you really had no clue about, but felt compelled to interfere with, you self serving cunt. You like my husband so much? Take him, he is yours. I don't want him anymore. May you have better luck with him than I ever had. But let me just say this...If you ever interfere with MY life again, I will find you, and I will beat you oh so much worse than Jimmy has ever beaten me, and I will give you just a small taste of the hell I have lived for 15 years you stupid bitch!!!

Quite honestly it is a good thing she is not just across town. For the pain she has caused my children, and Tommy's children, I think I would literally beat her to death if I got my hands on her. Jimmy and I are adults. Tommy and his wife as well. We are all capable of dealing with the bullshit we cause. But I love my kids more than my life, and I love Tommy's kids because they are a part of him. And i will fight to the death to protect them all! So anyone who hurts them, any of them, has to deal with me. Don't ever fuck with me again Sue. You will not like the consequences. That's all, Goodbye.

(NOTE*** After calming down and breathing again (inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale), I realize how childishly and ridiculously I responded to this woman who didn't know any better. I was just furious because someone who had the whole story at her fingertips for the taking, did not take the time to take the whole story into consideration before stirring up so much shit for all the people I love most in this world. I now regret my behaviour, not because of her, but because that is not my normal behaviour. That's all, Bye.)


CrystalChick said...

My GAWD woman... I'm off blogger for a week and you've got all THIS going on. Wow.
I really really hope things end up okay, for you, your kids, and the others involved.
Of course easier said than done... but find a way out of the mess with hubby. You'de be sooo much better off on your own.
Sorry I haven't been on lately....
I've got a bad computer virus at the home computer and am using the library for some basic emailing but in addition to that...I've been seeing docs for days and have some tests scheduled for later today and next week and I'm not much good to anyone lately as I just don't feel well.
I'll try to check back in again soon. Hope you are doing alright.


someoneswife said...

I am fine. (Does anyone ever really believe that lie?) Honestly, I am falling apart at the seams. I am sleeping too much, eating too much, and crying too much. I miss my best friend so profoundly that it feels like a slow painful death with out end. I hope that we can work out a way to maintain our friendship, but I do not think the wifey, or my hubby are going to allow that. But I need that man in my life, even if only as a friend that i get to talk to occasionally. He is not doing so well either. He is struggling to keep his family in one piece, and he has become physically ill. I love him still, and hope that everything works out for him. If he is happy, then I will be happy for him. I hope your computer problems get resolved soon. I miss your quirky humour. Hugs, Dawn