Thursday, September 27, 2007

Maybe next year...

Okay, short and sweet, to answer the question I was asked. No. I got nothing for my birthday that I asked for. In fact, only one person bothered to get me anything at all this year. And that was Toni. She bought me an indoor grill thing. An off brand of the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Grilling Machine thingy. I thanked her profusely, and brought it home and cried. I just thought somehow, someway, this year I would get one thing I want. I know I sound like a whiny bitch. And I would never tell Toni. But, just once, one time in my life, I wanted to get something I wanted, instead of what someone else thought I would want. It is not that I am not grateful. I am. Honestly. I just want. I want people to know me well enough to get me. To understand. And to remember. Hell, the hubby did not even remember to say Happy Birthday until it was already over. I should have known that this one wouldn't be any better than all the others, but I am ever the optimist, or the fool, depending on your perspective. Maybe next year. That's all, Goodnight.


CrystalChick said...

IF we didn't already have wayyyy toooo many people on our gift list... and IF we were BFF's and all that jazz.... I'd consider the following things as gifts for you:

*A new bread pan and some honey for that homemade baking you sometimes do.
*A framed picture of Cary Grant.
*The flick 'Love Actually' because Emma Thompson is great in it!
*A bottle of WINE, which I'd happily share with you. ;)
*A pile of BROWNIES, which I'd happily share with you. ;)
*A file folder, maybe two, for all those receipts.
*A box of red hair dye, so you could try out my favorite shade.
*Pandora or The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice because she's a wonderful writer.

And if I didn't have a penny to spend but still wanted to do something.... I'd come over and we'd just watch The Bridges of Madison County. Awesome movie!

But don't leave the celebrating of YOU up to other people. Pick a day, any day, thru the year... maybe when you have a couple extra bucks, or just when you have the time to yourself OR have your kids cut up pieces of paper with the months in one cup and the days in another and DRAW yourself a YOU date and then make it memorable. Corny, YES,.... but sometimes going thru the motions of a ritual is a very uplifting thing.

Have a nice weekend. Peace, Mary

someoneswife said...

Thanks again for your kind words. All those things sound great! Wow, either you are very insightful, or I am very telling. (Or maybe it is a mixture of the two!) I have decided to treat myself. I will be ordering two things I have been wanting, and I will celebrate each day like it is my birthday from now on. I have decided that I am the only one who will ever make me happy, so I am on a mission to do just that. Wish me luck! Dawn

P.S. I love Anne Rice! I have read all of the Vampire series, and the Taltos books as well. What I want next are the erotic novels she wrote pre-vampire! I need some spice in my life, and I hear tell that they are pretty spicey!