Sunday, September 30, 2007

I will spoil me (My new promise to myself)...

Okay, so I am sitting here doing nothing, when what I should be doing is cleaning my house. Oh well, it will still be dirty when I am ready to do it. So, I got to thinking, since no one bothered to get me anything for my birthday (with the exception of Toni who got me a grill thingy, and Bill and Deb who got me a card.), I am going to buy myself something I really want. Two somethings actually. The first being the Hinder "Lips of an Angel" hoodie. Now, The Honey wanted to buy me that one, but since the only place I know to get it is the website addy I already linked to, it probably would not be a good idea for him. He asked me where to get it, but I told him that it may not be an easy task explaining that credit card charge. That being said, I will buy it for myself. I think I will order it as soon as I get done writing this post. The second thing I have decided to buy for my birthday is the "Monarch of the Glen" series on DVD. It was a great show put out by the BBC, and aired on our local PBS station for years, until the powers that be decided to quit showing it in syndication that is. I miss it. I used to watch faithfully. The complete series becomes available on DVD on October twenty third. (Which incidentally is also my son Jamie's fourteenth birthday!) (WOW, if he is fourteen, I am old!) So, I will pre-order that and maybe I will save it to give myself for Christmas, another holiday when I am generally forgotten. But, since no one else will spoil me, I will spoil myself! Yeah, I think I will do that now. That's all, Bye.


Anonymous said...

Sweet Angel you deserve the world. Happy Birthday late and again I'm sorry for not getting you something in the mail sooner.
Your biggers fan, Tommy

someoneswife said...

I do not expect anything of you. Thank You again for the Happy Birthday, the fact that you remembered is all that matters. I love you. Hugs and kisses, Dawn