Monday, September 3, 2007

Dancing in the street...

Okay, so I went out with Toni to the street dance. It was okay. She brought along her son, his girlfriend, and the girlfriend's brother. Still okay, the more the merrier right? Wrong! My God, were they boring. Not a one of them wanted to dance. Not a one of them seemed to have any money, and of course I ended up buying drinks for all of us. I bought the first round, after that I only bought for me. We had gone outside the bar to watch the band, but I snuck back to the bar with my sis-in-law Tish to have a drink or two. I didn't think I was being rude, but apparently they all did. I feel bad, well just a little. I figure that it is up to each of us to make our own good time. I had fun, because I have fun no matter where I go, or what I am doing. They did not, because they chose not to. That is not my fault. After standing with them for awhile, I saw my nieces walk by. I knew that meant that Tish was there, so I sought her out in the beer garden. We went and had a few, and then we went and danced. It was great fun. The kids (I say kids, but they are practically grown now. Being 16 and 17.) thought it was amusing to see their Aunt Dawn out there shaking her ass just like they were. But when I went back to Toni and the group, they were all just standing around with bored expressions. I tried to get them to come and dance with me, but no luck. So I went back and danced some more. Is that wrong of me? I went out and danced to YMCA with the kids and Tish, that was amusing, and then I did the cha-cha. I was having a blast. Then, the fights started. Fights were breaking out everywhere, and even Tish got nervous. I have never been one to run and hide when there is drama. I want to be right in the middle of it, cheering them on. If two people are dumb enough to want to stand in the street and fight in front of about twenty cops, more power to them. Pass me the popcorn and pull me up a chair. But, that was the point at which Toni decided that she wanted to go home. Just when all the fine as hell EMTs started showing up. What the hell was she thinking? And where do these men hide the rest of the time? Because I have lived in this town for a long time now, and I have never seen such an outstanding group of men in one place before. I was considering falling down and twisting my ankle just about the time Toni started gathering all her things. Ruined all my fun. So, here I sit all by myself. The Honey was online at his myspace page when I got home, but didn't answer my instant messages. I wonder what that means? I am sitting here with a bottle of wine, and wanting to be dancing some more, and that sucks. The hubby and the girls are all in bed, so I can not just turn on my music and dance in my kitchen. Or maybe I will, if I turn it down enough it will be okay. My neighbors think I am completely insane. My new neighbors across the street have a clear view into my kitchen and many times when the man is leaving for work, he has wittnesed me dancing around my kitchen in my new jammies. (Pajamas are a new and intersting twist in my life... maybe I will explain some other time.) But so that is how my night was. I am glad I went, I get no time with Tish, and it was really nice to actually see her face as I spoke with her tonight. I could say what I wanted without having to type it. Next time I go someplace fun, I will ask Tish to go, instead of Toni. I love Toni, but she is sometimes very needy, and I am a social butterfly flitting here and there and everywhere, constantly running into old friends and always making new ones. Those two personalities do not make for a good night out. That's all, Goodnight.

P.S. I did manage to snap off a few new pics of me, but I used a disposable camera and I did not get the whole roll of film used up. When I do, I will develop them, and IF there is one I like, I will post it for you. But you will just have to wait until then. Again...That's all. Goodnight.

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