Saturday, September 1, 2007

Stealing time...

Okay, just so that you know, having to steal moments to talk to The Honey sucks. But at least now I know why he sometimes has to disappear from my life. At least now that I know, he is able to steal a moment or two to talk to me from time to time, because now if he says he has to go, I get it....Jeremy asked me last night about why I took The Honey's picture off of this blog. Let me try to explain it as simply as possible. I did it for numerous reasons, and they are as follows...

1.) If he does not want his wife to know what he is doing in his life, that is his business. It is not my place to change his status quo. Keeping his picture posted here is just asking for her to eventually find out.

2.) I have absolutely nothing against The Honey's wife. She has never done me any harm. Don't act like I am supposed to hate her. I do not. I will not. How can I fault her in anything. The only thing she has ever done that I know of, is fall in love with the same man I did. And she beat me to him. Good for her, lucky woman. I am jealous, but I am the intruder here, not her, so why would I want to hurt her. Finding out about The Honey and I by finding my site would be about the worst way I could imagine it going down. So, I just will not do it. I have no desire to cause this woman any pain. Deal with it.

3.) He is not mine to claim. If he was, I would post every picture of him I ever got my hands on. But sadly, he does not belong to me. And until/unless he does, I will help him keep his secret. I love him, I could do no less.

Well that about covers that topic...any more questions?

So, I got all the bills paid today, that was a good feeling. I am safe for another month. I have a roof, lights, phone, cell phone etc. etc. and then I went shopping. Yes, I bought myself more new clothes. I know I have been shopping alot lately, but it is either that, or run the streets naked. Toni and I were supposed to go out tonight, to a street dance, but Toni got the date wrong, and we will be going tomorrow night. I had to have something to wear, trust me public nudity would not be pretty. On the way home, I stopped and picked up two bottles of wine. (I plan on getting nicely drunk tonight.) Problem is, Toni wanted to have a drink with me. She doesn't own a corkscrew, so we stopped off at the liquor store to buy one. The damned liquor store doesn't sell them. Does anyone but me see the irony in that? So, not to be bullied into a night of sober thoughts, I broke down and bought a bottle of mudslide, and some ice. We got back to Toni's house, and I poured us a drink. Halfway through the first drink, I realized why Toni doesn't drink. She was getting down right tipsy. I decided to take my booze and head home before she got completely drunk. that would not be pretty. So here I am with a boring Saturday night ahead of me, with a half gallon of mudslide, and two bottles of wine. Oh, and yes, I own a corkscrew! That's all, Goodnight.

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