Friday, August 31, 2007

Mine and mine alone...

Okay, so you know, it is just my luck that I finally get myself a background, and a music player for my myspace page, and the first night I do, the stupid music player refuses to work. The main reason I got it, is so that I could just sign into my page, and listen to my tunes while I am surfing around. I could care less if anyone else ever listens to it. Now I have had to revert to using my windows media player. That means I have to create play lists of what I want to hear otherwise I end up listening to the same band ten songs in a row with some of the kids' music thrown in for good measure. That just isn't fair. Today was really quite normal for me. I got up, read my email, argued with the hubby, headed out the door to Toni's, called The Honey on the way, got to Toni's and stared the coffee, sat down and spent over an hour chatting with My Honey about absolutely everything, and nothing. And went to work. The only thing that happened to me today that reflects the true chaos that is my life, was a visit from Bill and Deb. Do not get me wrong. I adore them both. But it was something that Bill said that was so odd, and reflects my life. See Bill reads my blog faithfully, and he said that he was concerned that all my references to The Honey could come back to bite me in the ass at some later date. He made reference to the hubby using my blog against me in a divorce. I suppose that would be possible. Not probable, but possible. So let me make one thing perfectly clear for all of you who are not in the loop. I am NOT actually having an affair. At least not a physical affair. I will give you an affair of the mind, and I will concede to an affair of the heart. But, sad as it is to say, I have NOT had sex with The Honey. EVER! Not only have we never had sex, we have never kissed, held hands, or even so much as stared at each other from across a crowded room. The Honey and I have only had contact three ways. On the computer (emails, instant message, chat etc.), on the phone (Trust me, AT&T loves us!), and in my mind. I have done numerous shameful things to, with and for The Honey, but as far as I am aware, what happens in my own head is not admissible in court as evidence. So, please Bill, do not worry. I will be fine. It will be fine. And if/when that changes, and the affair becomes a reality, do not worry, I will not be sharing it with all of you. That will be mine and mine alone. That's all, Bye.

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