Sunday, August 19, 2007

Getting what I need, when I need it...

So, I am feeling pretty good about myself today. I am not sure why exactly. Maybe it has a little something to do with the fact that yesterday I ran into an old friend that I had not seen in a few months. He drove past Toni and I as we were getting home from shopping, and turned around to come say hello. As he walked up to my side of the car he told me that he liked the blonde hair. Then I stepped out of the car. It was great to see his mouth drop open like that. I have told you all that I have been losing weight lately, but to see the effect of the loss reflected in someone else's face, well that was wonderful. I will be completely honest and say I had gotten down right chunky there for awhile. Too many years of depression led to a not so cute me. But, I have really been working hard at trying to get my figure back, and if the look on his face is any reflection of the job I am doing, I am doing awesome. I still have a bit more that I want to lose. Three pregnancies, and a combined total of about 34 pounds worth of babies have not been kind to my body. But I am getting there. He just kept looking at me and saying "wow" over and over again. It was actually funny. We talked about the troubles I am having with the hubby, and he has informed me that he wants to set me up with a friend of his. Apparently the guy is a suit during the day (he works for FEMA just over the river in Omaha) and a tattooed biker type at night. (He has a Harley.) Dave said that I am just his type. Cute, funny, smart, sexy. I think Dave is being terribly sweet, but I will take all the compliments I can get, since I get none at home. I told Dave that I am pretty busy these days, between work, the kids, The Honey, the hubby, I just do not know where I would find the time to add someone else to my life. But, Dave insisted that he is going to give my email address to this guy. I guess it wouldn't hurt to email with him. Anyway, the hubby keeps trying to fatten me back up. I guess he is noticing that other men are noticing me. What he seems less inclined to notice, is that I am over him. I want other men to notice me. I spent almost fifteen years trying to get him to notice me without any real payoff. I want payoff for my efforts damn it, and now I am getting it. I have heard it said "you don't know what you have until it is gone", but the men in my life need to wake up, and realize that if they do not pay attention when I need them to, I am going to move on. I need affection, and I am going to start getting what I need for a change. I want what I need when I need it, when they say they will do it, not when they finally get around to it. I am tired of being an afterthought. I want to be the priority for a change. I want to be thought of as a gift in their lives, not as a chore they need to remember to do. I want romance, I want flowers, I want late night phone calls about how much I am loved. So maybe I will email with this guy for awhile, and see what happens. I will keep you posted. That's all, Bye.

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