Sunday, August 5, 2007

Things About Me That You Will Never Need To Know...

1.) I have had my nose pierced. (But I don't wear it anymore.)
2.) I once had sex while sitting on the railing of a lifeguard shack on Venice Beach in the middle of the afternoon, in the summer.
3.) I sing and dance naked in my living room when no one else is home.
4.) I have recently considered suicide.
5.) I hate being tickled.
6.) I swallow.
7.) I cry almost every day.
8.) I don't like most people that I know.
9.) I smoke two packs a day.
10.) I often eat with my fingers.
11.) Growing up I was molested by an Uncle, three cousins, and a step brother.
12.) I sometimes go for three days without eating to try and lose this extra weight.
13.) I hate wearing underwear, so I just don't.
14.) I used to be a Democrat.
15.) I have had a miscarriage.
16.) I haven't finished the new Harry Potter book yet, because I do not want to read the ending.
17.) I once had a menage a trios, and next time the man is not invited.
18.) I love liver and onions.
19.) I wanted to be a lawyer, when I was growing up.
20.) I write things that I could not bring myself to actually say out loud to another human being.
21.) I sometimes listen to Barry Manilow.
22.) I feel emotionally numb alot.
23.) I often regret having my tubes tied.
24.) I used to use cheating on my boyfriends as a way to end the relationship, because I was too big a pussy to do it the right way.
25.) I took off my own braces with a pair of pliers when I was fifteen.
26.) I hate my mother.
27.) I have nightmares, which is why I do not sleep much.
28.) I kiss my daughter's urn everyday.
29.) When ever I feel someone is getting too close to me, I start pushing them away, so that I can beat them to the punch before they leave me.
30.) I have done nothing in my life that I am really proud of, except my children.
That's all, Bye.


Anonymous said...

"25.) I took off my own braces with a pair of pliers when I was fifteen."

This is the best shit I've ever read about!

someoneswife said...

You should have been there, it was even better to see it. I will say that shit hurt like hell, but I felt better afterwards. I did it cause I was pissed at my mother and she had just gotten done paying for them. I never needed them in the first place, but keep up with the jones' and all that jazz. Glad you got a kick out of it. ;)