Sunday, August 12, 2007

What sexy means to me...

So, I was just sitting here chatting with my friend Jeremy, and stuffing my face full of a huge salad. (By the way, Kraft Asian Toasted Sesame dressing rocks!) I was also watching videos on my music page, and I realized that what I think is sexy is probably weird to other people. For example.. I think that the way the singer from Buckcherry moves is sexy as hell. He himself is nothing much to look at, but the way he moves, well it just turns me on. Strange, huh? I also love a mans hands. Strong hands are sexy as hell to me. Hands like this....

I want to feel hands like that touching me, all over. (Actually I want THOSE hands touching me, but that is for another day.) Also, I love deep voices, kinda gravelly. That is sexy. Brown eyes... I have a thing for brown eyes.
Short hair, high and tights, flat tops, etc. just get my juices flowing. Hairless chests, or nearly so, are sexy to me. A great sense of humour.. that is sexy. (Like thinking Handbook For The Hellbound is funny, which The Honey does!) Big, honest smiles.

Yeah that is sexy too. Clean shaven faces..... yummy. (Maybe a goatee, but only sometimes.) Lips, I like lips. Soft kissable looking lips. Uniforms... I swear I have a thing for uniforms. I know it is weird, and I have only once been involved with an active military member, but I just think they are sexy. Maybe it has a little to do with the fact that they make me feel safe somehow. I don't know but my favorite uniform is Marine Dress Blues. I swear I have a long standing fantasy about the insides of my thighs being rubbed raw by some Blood Stripes.

I am turned on by men who are not afraid to cry. Is that weird? It is a great feeling when a man trusts me enough to cry with me. Just sexy as hell for some reason. I also like men who are just a little bit shy. You know, overly confident men just don't trip my trigger. Men who treat their women and children like gifts. That is sexy to me. A man who knows how to spoil his wife and kids is a keeper. (And I do not mean he has to make huge money and spend it all on them, just the way he treats them.) A man who knows how to put in a hard day at work, comes home filthy, and still kisses his woman first thing when he walks in the door, that is sexy. A man who loves me for my mind, and thinks all the other "fun parts" of me are an added bonus, that is sexy. A man who is not afraid to say what is on his mind. Sexy. A man willing to go outside his comfort zone to please me, well that is SEXY AS FUCK. (*cough webcam cough*) A man who thinks I am special, that is sexy too. Having doors opened for me, sexy. When a man sees me walk in a room, and does a double take. Sexy. Being with the person you love somewhere, and you catch each others eyes from across the room, and just smile... sexy. I know, I am a strange one. But that is what is sexy to me. What is sexy to you? That's all, Goodnight.

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