Friday, August 24, 2007

If it weren't for bad luck....

I wouldn't have any luck at all. So, I wanted to write today, about all the shit I have been going through, but the "Blogger Spam-Prevention Robots" in all their infinite wisdom have decided that I have too many links to Jon "The Hellbound Smoker's" website, and have determined that I am not a real person in need of a place to vent. Instead I am apparently a computer program set to generate "non-sensical" text with the sole purpose of directing traffic to his site. Nice huh? In fact, by the time you read this post, a real live person will have reviewed my site, and fixed the problem. I know this because I currently receive this message every time I try to post a new entry. "This blog has been locked by Blogger's spam-prevention robots. You will not be able to publish your posts, but you will be able to save them as drafts. Save your post as a draft or click here for more about what's going on and how to get your blog unlocked." See, I told you I have the worst luck in history. That is why I do not do dangerous things, or gamble, both of which would likely have very bad consequences. I am beginning to rethink that whole wanting to skydive thing I have. With my luck I would end up a splat on the ground being covered by the local news station. If I swim with the dolphins, I will probably get attacked by the first ever recorded man-eating dolphin pod. Hell, driving too fast is liable to end up with me in a "near fatal" accident. I say near fatal because that would be my luck. I wouldn't actually die and get it over with like most normal people. I would probably end up losing multiple limbs, and be in some fucked up coma like state, where I felt and understood everything, but everyone around me thought I was brain dead. The hubby would then insist on keeping me alive against all my desires to never live like that, and I would spend the next forty or so years in hell. I am beginning to think I should just wrap myself in bubble-wrap before I leave the house each day. And as for getting that mammogram my doctor wants, he can just fuck off. I don't want to know. That's all, Bye.

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